Chung Tai Chan Monastery


In 1987, Grand Master Wei Chueh built Lin Quan (“Spiritual Spring”) Chan Monastery in response to his disciples’ needs for a place of spiritual cultivation and refuge.

With an inimitable aura of calmness, a penetrating mind, and the ability to clearly elucidate the profound wisdom of the Buddha, the Grand Master was instrumental in revitalizing Chan (Chinese Zen) Buddhism in Taiwan. Soon Lin Quan Chan Monastery was too small to accommodate the ever-increasing number of followers eager for the Grand Master’s teaching.

Following the Grand Master’s compassionate vow to provide a complete environment for all who wish to learn the Buddhist teachings, the design of Chung Tai Chan Monastery began in 1992.

After three years of planning and seven years of construction, this landmark building opened its doors on September 1, 2001, initiating a new era of Buddhism dissemination for Chung Tai.