Words of Wisdom from Grand Master Wei Chueh

Vegetarianism is the sign of a compassionate mind.

Dedication of Merits

During this pandemic, there are many things we can do to help protect ourselves and others. First, maintaining your personal hygiene is important and that includes: thorough hand washing and keeping your living environment clean. Second, whenever possible, avoid going to public places and crowded areas where you may be exposed to viruses through contact […]

The Grand Master’s Dharma Talk on SARS (in 2003)

Origin: Some of you may remember the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) outbreak back in 2003, another coronavirus with global impact. Even though it wasn’t widespread in the United States, it still caused anxiety and fear around the world. Grand Master Wei Chueh’s Dharma talk on SARS is as pertinent to our situation today as […]

Buddhism and Vegetarianism

The great compassionate mind is the Buddha’s Mind.

Fundamental Concepts of Buddhism

anuttara-samyak-sambodhi 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 Anuttara: unsurpassed. Samyak sambodhi: right and comprehensive understanding (complete enlightenment). Unsurpassed complete enlightenment is the state of a buddha. Arhat 阿羅漢 (Sanskrit). A Buddhist saint who has realized emptiness, having eradicated all afflictions. An arhat is no longer subject to death and rebirth. attachments 執著 To crave or desire anything, to cling to or despise anything, […]
Queen Mallika Upholding the Precepts, Not Accepting Fragrant Adornments

Queen Mallika Upholding the Precepts, Not Accepting Fragrant Adornments

During the time that Buddha was dwelling in Sravasti...
Breadth of Mind Wins Freedom

Breadth of Mind Wins Freedom

Long ago, Kulapati in his old age had two sons. Laid low by a chronic sickness...